This Is Why I Run - Terry Grapentine
"My plan after finishing Ironman Florida 2015 was to begin training to qualify for Boston in 2016 (M65-69). One week after Ironman Florida, I was diagnosed with kidney cancer. That put the kibosh on training for three months as I had to have my left kidney removed and heal from surgery. But my efforts for 2017 and 2018 were frustrated by (probably training too hard) and coming down with a cold/sinus infection/bronchitis eights weeks out from the qualifying events, which I had planned for early October. Both maladies saw me through two courses of antibiotics. Oh, and I didn’t mention the two kidney stone surgeries I had over the past two years that each knocked about three weeks out of my training regimen. Oh, and twisting my right ankle twice walking the dog! So, here I am in November [2017], pulling back my mileage until January 1, when I begin formal training for the Tunnel Marathon. This time I’m hiring an experienced marathon coach to help me stay healthy and prepare for this downhill event. I’ll let my wife walk the dog." - Terry
Are you going to Boston in 2019? We’re looking to profile you, right here, in This Is Why I Run. Send your name, a running photo, and a short blurb about you as a runner to stories@tunnelmarathon.com